Veuve Clicquot at the Madhatter's Tea Party

Veuve Clicquot recently chose the Mount Nelson Hotel's annual Madhatter's Tea to launch their exclusively new and innovative neoprene Ice Jacket. This trendy Clicquot Ice Jacket fits the curves of the Brut Yellow Label bottle like a diving suit, keeping the Champagne cool for up to 2 hours.

The beautiful people arrived en masse to enjoy the Mount Nelson Hotel's internationally acclaimed, "Best Tea in the world" in the gorgeous Graham Vinney designed lounge and to show their support for the wholly charitable "The Mothers Programmes" who work to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV and help mothers with HIV stay healthy to raise their children.

Clicquot's signature brut non-vintage was the beverage of choice whilst Executive Chef, Stephen Templeton delighted all with his gourmet selection from traditional savoury options to the mountains of seasonal fresh berries perfectly complementing the sweetness of creamy Mille Feuilles, Chocolate Éclairs and Petit Fours.

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