Econet takes defaulters to court

Zimbabwe's largest mobile telecoms company, Econet Wireless, is increasingly resorting to litigation to recover huge debts owed by defaulting customers.

The phone company has hauled foreign embassies, prominent individuals and corporates to court demanding payment for telecommunication services rendered between 2009 and 2010.

Prominent individuals who have faced action include top Reserve Bank official Millicent Mombeshora, who owes Econet US$3750, and president of the Chiefs Council and Zanu-PF backer Fortune Charumbira, who owes US$1247. He has been repaying his debt in recent months.

The mobile phone provider is demanding US$30461 from the Angolan embassy for services provided.

Econet is also demanding US$4653 from the Zambian embassy.

Besides the embassies, Econet is also claiming US$41857 from Jaggers Wholesalers, one of the country's struggling traders, for airtime which was supplied on credit for resale.

Econet is also claiming US$9-million for unpaid debts from TelOne, the state-run telecommunications company.

Source: Sunday Times

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