New Zim paper to debut online before print

Newspaper proprietor Trevor Ncube will launch his new Zimbabwean daily newspaper, NewsDay, on the web six months before the print edition hits the streets.

Ncube, who is deputy chairman of Mail & Guardian publisher M&G Media, explains that this is because the Zimbabwean government has still not issued the licence NewsDay requires before the printing presses can begin rolling.

“We are going to launch, probably in the next week or so,” Ncube says. “We will use social media like Twitter to help publicise the website.”

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About Duncan McLeod

Award-wining Duncan McLeod is the founder and editor of TechCentral (, @TechCentral]]), South Africa's latest technology news site offering breaking news, in-depth analysis and opinion that launched in September 2009. Before that, he was associate editor at the Financial Mail/FM. Contact Duncan on email duncan at techcentral dot co dot za and follow him on Twitter at @mcleodd.
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