India bans Air Zimbabwe

India has banned Air Zimbabwe from to flying over its air space because of Zimbabwe's failure to sign an international aviation agreement, a cabinet minister told Parliament Thursday.
India bans Air Zimbabwe

Harare - Transport and Communications Minister Christopher Mushohwe said India wants Zimbabwe to first ratify the International Air Transport Agreement, adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organisation in 1944, before offering permission to the national airline to have passage over its territory.

As a result, Mushohwe pleaded with MPs to speedy up the ratification of that agreement.

“The national airline needs to access the Far East by flying over India. It has been denied this because Zimbabwe has not approved the agreement,” Mushohwe said.

MDC lawmakers objected to the fast tracking of the case, but the Minister had his way and the agreement was ratified.

Air Zimbabwe flies to China and Singapore as well as Dubai - all key destinations as President Robert Mugabe repositions the country for increased trade with Asian countries as part of his much-vaunted 'Look East' policy.

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